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Weekday Minyanim

Weekday Minyanim

Shaharit #1 6:45am
Shaharit #2 7:30am
Shaharit #3 8:15am
Minha/Arbit 6:45pm

Friday Minha

Friday Minha

Shir Ha’Shirim & Minha 6:30/6:45pm
Candle Lighting 7:21pm

Shabbat Shaharit

Shabbat Shaharit

First Minyan - Rabbi Setton - New Sanctuary 7:00am
Main Minyan - Rabbi Kassin - Main Sanctuary 8:30am
PAC Minyan - Max Sutton - Midrash 8:45am
HS/Post HS Minyan - Rabbi Dana - Social Center 9:15am
Rabbi Kassin’s Halacha Class - Library 11:15am
Rabbi Setton’s Class for PAC Minyan Kids 11:15am
Pre-Minha Classes 6:00pm

Shabbat Minha

Shabbat Minha - Main Sanctuary 7:00pm
Shabbat Ends 8:20pm*


The Consuming Fire

Two fires came from before The Lord. The first consumed the nation’s offering, and the second, Nadab and Abihu, the two sons of Aharon. The Mishkan was assembled, ceremoniously dedicated, …continue reading The Consuming Fire

The Magic Formula

Have you ever been drawn to a book or internet ad that had as its title: “Six Steps to Losing Twenty Pounds” or “Two Strategies to Triple Your Business in …continue reading The Magic Formula

Tisha B’av

By Rabbi Ezra Labaton ZS”L Tisha B’av is one of the most intense days on the Jewish calendar, second only to Yom Kippur. The destruction of the Temple in the year …continue reading Tisha B’av

Overcoming The Challenge of Destruction

By Rabbi Ezra Labaton ZS”L The three week period between the seventeenth day of Tammuz, and the ninth day of Av, has never been easy for the Jewish people. Not …continue reading Overcoming The Challenge of Destruction

Rosh Hodesh Av

By Rabbi Ezra Labaton ZS”L Although Rosh Hodesh is viewed as a holiday in all other contexts, Rosh Hodesh Av is viewed very differently. It introduces us to a period of …continue reading Rosh Hodesh Av

The Three Weeks

The fast of the 17th of Tamuz, observed this Sunday, starts the three weeks, a preparation period for Tisha B’Av. To better understand this period of time, we need to compare …continue reading The Three Weeks